V&Q Books is the English-language imprint of one of Germany’s most exciting independent publishing houses, Voland & Quist. Headed by renowned translator Katy Derbyshire, V&Q Books launched its first titles in autumn 2020, focusing distribution on the UK and Ireland, and publishes up to 5 to 6 books per year. V&Q Books publishes commercial and literary fiction and narrative non-fiction showcasing remarkable writing from Germany. Much of the writing is translated from German, as well as from other languages written within the country, and we will also champion English-language writing produced in Germany.

“I am thrilled to head up this exciting new imprint, which helps bridge the gap between Europe and the UK. Our books tell stories of complex identities and family relationships, migration, and the impact of world history on individual lives. They are beautifully written, translated and presented, and have a strong sense of place. We love to bust myths, including the one about the Germans having no sense of humour.”
Katy Derbyshire, Publisher V&Q Books
Trade info: Our books are published as high-quality B-format paperbacks and distributed in the UK and Ireland by BookSource via Inpress Books. They are also available for booksellers via Gardners, and in mainland Europe via GVA/AVA.
Submissions: We have a good overview of the current German publishing landscape, but we are especially interested in submissions written in Germany in other languages. Please contact us with any queries.