Birgit Weyhe

Birgit Weyhe was born in Munich in 1969. She spent her childhood in Uganda and Kenya and studied literature and history in Konstanz and Hamburg. Going on to study illustration, she has since worked as an illustrator and comic artist in Hamburg. Her graphic novels have been nominated for awards in Germany, France and Japan, and Madgermanes received the 2015 Comic Book Prize of the Berthold Leibinger Foundation and the 2016 Max and Moritz Prize for best German comic.

In 2022 she was awarded Hamburg’s prestigious Lessing Grant and was honoured as best German-language comic artist. Rude Girl was shortlisted for the Hamburg Book of the Year award and was the first comic ever to be nominated for the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair, in 2023.

recent Works
Birgit Weyhe

‘Not just for fans of graphic novels, but for anyone who has ever felt different.’ Priscilla Layne. Published 29 April 2024. The white German graphic novelist Birgit Weyhe teaches at a US college through an academic exchange programme. At a conference of American Germanists in the Midwest, she is accused of cultural expropriation. Is she

  • Rude Girl
    Book 20.00 GBP
    29 April 2024
Birgit Weyhe

‘This book is a great document and a monument to the injustice that befell me and other contract workers in East Germany.’ Emiliano Chaimite Madgermanes is what the Mozambican workers once contracted out to East Germany are called today. At the end of the 1970s, some 20,000 of them were sent from the People’s Republic

  • Madgermanes
    Book 15.99 GBP
    Graphic novel
    B-format paperback
    1 October 2021